Wednesday, August 10, 2011

London Fury

My heart has been broken at the chaos erupting from the London riots. For me it's more than just 'look at all the damage that's having to be cleaned up' thing, it's the sign of how far my generation has come from understanding truth and power.

Power is said to be the most important aspect in relationships, business, the economy and love. It's the greatest demonstration of ideology and belief in action. So why do thousands of youths think that the best way to show power is by breaking down doors and destroying buildings? Why is it that they believe dominance and opinion can only be shown by pillaging so heavily, London's sky is dark with smoke from fire? And it's more than just the physical matter of grey smoke, but the metaphor of full obscurity of what truly constitutes a call for help.

My belief is that words are power, that words are the cause for revolution and change. Iconic speeches of past and laws of future have been and will be engraved with words that have meaning. Words are beautiful, powerful, strong and charismatic. They transcend culture and nation, they emote feelings, they cause fury, they cause love, but most of all, they cause our brains to think.

Why, WHY do these London rioters believe they're making a point when all they're doing is making pain? Their actions are falling flat, but as they fall they're bringing many things down with them. The injuries, and even deaths sustained during the last few days of erratic defiance are going to be sad blots in the history of the world, that I thought, had come much further than this.

The entire world has only looked on, almost marveled at the sheer ludicrous nature of the rioters. Images I saw today of riot police having to protect the entrance way to a hospital stood out. Have we come so far in disaster that the site of healing must be protected from the antagonisers of harm? People's voices calling for peace are almost lost in the cacophony of voices that are asking how this could happen. Are we losing trust in the armed forces we're meant to have hope in? Or are we just losing trust in ourselves?

Who is to blame? Who do we ask for to help? Is this just 'another one of those things' that makes us shrug our shoulders at the world and 'wonder what's coming next'? Or perhaps, is this maybe one of the things that's going to make people all over the world finally sit up and pay attention. Does it take the ransacking of suburbs to awaken a nation, or do we have to wait for more?

Peace is hurting. I'm thousands of kilometres away and I can hear it's calls for substantive change in our nations, but more importantly, in our philosophies. Share truth, not scandal. Share love, not harm. Stop standing up for things which only matter to you, but for things with only matter to you because they matter to so many other people too.

Use power to it's full potential, in lasting ways. Don't burn down a building, for it will only be built again. Then what? Write truth, engrave speech. Keep true. If we could live our lives convicted to our passions, then our world will stop burning itself down, but rather build itself up. Amen.

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