Thursday, August 25, 2011

Boom Kack

I've come to realise that sayings such as 'wow, isn't life just like a rollercoaster' or 'wow isn't life just crazy' are redundant statements. I used to think of life just as this flat plateau of being and it was up to you to enjoy the ride. That being who you were was the journey of choice you chose to take. That having a personality was your way of making the smooth journey from birth to death one that seemed enjoyable. But what I thought was all wrong.

Life is dynamic. Life is ever changing. Life is a rollercoaster. Life is not a plateau, or a straight timeline. It's a manic ever changing entity upon itself. With this in mind, we must not look at it with fear (for the only thing we should fear should be the Creator, the one who got this whole thing started in the first place), but rather have a plan of attack. We must wake up every morning with the hope that what could come of today could be glorious, but also heartbreaking, what we could become in today could be even better.

It's a process of growing up, and also maturing (two different things, might I add). It's an evolution of self in the constant moving of the new world.

Once we know this, once we understand, we'll see that regrets are memories made, to last and to explain. That lessons are learned the hard way if they're done the right way, that life is what you make of it, because you never want life to make something out of you first.

This is all so warm, fuzzy and unintentionally cliche'd. But I couldn't believe that even after 19 years of living I only just understood the basic property of life.

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