Monday, May 16, 2011

Tuesday morning in the City.

8am class on a Tuesday means things are a little rough around the edges. Stopped in at Starbucks and wrote before I headed off to a two hour class (often called torture but today it wasn't so bad). I had my camera with me, and something about today made me pick up on the quirky things I tend to just ignore.

There's something about putting 'goodness' into your life that has benefits on the major. I've really tried lately to not drink so much fizzy, not eat so much chocolate, actually workout everyday and read instead of sit on FB all night. And it's been amazing! I have more energy and I'm generally more optimistic about things. I know it's so simple but have you ever looked at your life and seen how you can clean it up?

I've also noted that about people - who we surround ourselves with is who we can become. We have to question who is good for our lives; and I think there's something significant about who our friends are and then just who are the people we know. And it's totally okay to be super tight about it. Crazy, simple truths. But I think they're truths for a reason.

Anyway here's a mini photo essay of my morning, and subsequent afternoon that saw me get on the wrong bus, then get off at the wrong stop (after resolving to just walk to where I needed to be I got off far too early) and then had to call my mother to pick me up. I'm so mature sometimes it scares me. I'm attempting to be abstract and artistic (I blame playing with a fancy camera earlier in the week, and because I walked through the design building at university today and felt quite diminutive when it came to creative spirit), forgive me if I get it all wrong. Wait, isn't that being arty?

 My Starbucks cup complimented me this morning. How kind.

 On the way to class. St. Pauls Church with the sun shining right behind it. Gorgeous.

View from my 8am class. Not bad, really.

The footpath I walked on white waiting for my mother. So bland, I know, but I found the pattern of the leaves so entrancing, and pretty, especially on a dreary concrete path.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's why I used to come to Scholarship and Publications meetings. Because all of the brilliant people were there and I wanted to be brilliant too :)

What do you have for 2hrs?